Si vous désirez des photos ou infographies, veuillez nous contacter. If you want photos or infographics, please contact us.


Design Together

Because there is strength in unity. The collective wants to be a meeting between graphic designer, artists, motion designer, videographers and confirmed photographers. From various horizons and sensibilities, wishing to think and act together. Its vocation is to develop a series of activities in order to progress under a single "identity".

The collective is neither an agency nor a commercial platform, but a group of professionals wishing to collaborate together without any remuneration in a spirit of sharing.

Membership conditions

For Graphic Designers and Photographers

  1. Being part of the collective is completely free. No membership fees, no membership fees, nothing. The collective is not a club, but a grouping of graphic designers, artists and talented photographers whose goal is exchange, sharing, creation, training and without financial notions.
  2. The collective organizes a monthly general meeting either on weekdays in the evening, or on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  3. This meeting takes place online (via zoom, meet or teams) and does not require members to travel.
  4. Online inter-member meetings can be created based on the work of each individual and areas of interest.
  5. Members undertake to create a profile page and a mini portfolio to be able to introduce themselves to other members.
    This page is accessible to everyone to be able to introduce themselves. It can group your professional links (website, behance, 500px, ..) and links to your social media.
  6. According to the governmental rules and restrictions in force, in the future visus or meet up can be organized between members, but the presence is not obligatory.
  7. The only obligation of the members of the collective is to undertake to do a mini online training for the other members every 30 days and this on a subject that you master in your field. (example: how to sublimate the look of a portrait in Photoshop, how to integrate luts in Davinci resolve or premiere, etc.) Why? Because the goal of the collective is to technically advance its members through a group dynamic by exploiting the qualities of each.
  8. Each member can promote the collective (for professional purposes, with families, friends, etc.)
  9. The introduction of a new member is validated by a collective decision on the approval of at least 70% of the members.
  10. In the event of a dispute between two members, the resolution of the conflict, or even in extreme cases, the expulsion of a member is decided in collegiality.
    The collective will organize an annual virtual or physical exhibition intended to present the most beautiful works of the members.

For Models

  1. Being part of the collective is completely free. No membership fees, no membership fees, nothing. The collective is not a club, but a grouping of graphic designers, artists and photographers of talents and models whose goal is exchange, sharing, creation, training and without financial notions.
  2. The collective organizes a monthly general meeting either on weekdays in the evening, or on Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.
    This meeting takes place online (via zoom, meet or teams) and does not require members to travel. Models can also participate.
  3. Online inter-member meetings can be created based on the work of each individual and areas of interest.
  4. The models undertake to provide their contact details (not visible on the web), links to their pages in the various social media, ten photos in order to create a profile page and a mini portfolio to be able to introduce themselves to other members . This page is accessible to everyone to be able to introduce themselves. It can group your professional links (website, behance, 500px, ..) and links to your social media.
  5. According to the governmental rules and restrictions in force, in the future visus or meet up can be organized between members, but the presence is not obligatory.
  6. Each member can promote the collective (for professional purposes, with families, friends, etc.)
  7. The introduction of a new member is validated by a collective decision on the approval of at least 70% of the members.
  8. In the event of a dispute between two members, the resolution of the conflict, or even in extreme cases, the expulsion of a member is decided in collegiality.
  9. Collective photographers undertake to respect a charter and prior agreements with all models of the collective.

This form is a contact form, we will contact you later to create your membership request.